Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to visit a number
of churches in developing countries.
These are churches that have few resources but great hearts. Studies have shown as well that the church
is growing in places like South America, Africa and China where resources seem
to be few, persecution often severe and religious liberties limited. Despite their lack, these churches have
much. They may seem weak but are
actually quite strong.
Here in the United States our churches are well
resourced, there is very little actual persecution and our religious liberties
are protected. Despite these
advantages, our churches are divided and becoming weaker.
I’m convinced there is a direct correlation between the
passion the local church has for evangelism and loving on people (what we often
refer to as the Great Commission and the Great Commandment) and the unity of
the church. This is what I call the passion and unity connection
Our disunity leads to a lack of effectiveness and is
directly related as well. Jesus prayed
that we would be “one church” in John 17.
He repeated it twice for effectiveness and repeated twice that the
reason for his prayer for unity was “so the world may believe You sent Me.”
When our church leaders get too comfortable in the status
quo, rather than trying to reach a lost world with the love of Jesus Christ they
all too often decide it's a better use of their time to point out what they
believe are flaws and faults in other Christian churches and
denominations. As a result, we become
divided and this division in the church is a cancer that has been
We are to be one-church because we have one-Lord and
share one-Gospel. It’s time to believe
that the prayer of Jesus can be fulfilled in our lifetime.