Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Outside the Box

Thinking outside the box has gone full circle. From introduction, to use, and's now looked at again as likely a requirement for success.

Maybe twenty years or so it was thought that a person that was able to 'think outside the box' was able to approach problems in unique, new and very innovative ways. The phrase 'outside the box' ultimately became a cliche. Every business, school, church and organization was trying to think outside the box. Taco Bell even encouraged us to 'think outside the bun'.

I didn't know what the big deal was. I had the well-earned reputation of 'LIVING outside the box but visiting it occasionally'.

However, just like all good ideas, the opportunity for re-use is worth the effort. Today, our churches and ministries are finding very creative ways to reinvent the way they minister. When you consider that the move to nondenominational churches started over thirty years ago and that Mega-Churches have been around about the same amount of time, and that 'Purpose Driven' was first published in 1995, it's likely that it may be time to sense or create a new movement.

Start with the end in mind. What is it that is limiting your success in reaching people, of fulfilling your piece of the Great Commission? Have you considering truly changing the methods while keeping the message? If you are thinking that 'Church' is your box, start thinking 'Kingdom' and perhaps you'll find new creative ways to fulfill your calling.

The Real Virus Is Fear

There is a virus that is attacking and ravaging this country but it is not Covid-19.   It is fear.  This fear is being spread by people ...