We can certainly understand why there are lots of options. People typically like options and will shop or attend organizations that offer options. Our supermarkets today offer many more options than the grocery stores of my youth. In the same way, our churches offer many more options today than they ever have in the past.
I'm all for having options. I also believe that the local church is the local and unique expression of the Body of Christ. The church was instituted to be a help to all people. It exists and is entirely about building up people, introducing them to Jesus Christ and helping them grow and develop into fully devoted followers. If we look to our local churches as the Body of Christ we are likely to see it as a gathering of people...some needy, some needed. When our focus is on the people, our churches thrive.
When we become too "ministry" focused, we have a tendency to think primarily of the activities, programs, events, budgets, structure and buildings. While many of these are likely necessary, they are best thought of as the means and not the ends; the structure and not the substance. It is in Christ that we have our being, not in ministry. Our purpose is focused on people...."so that they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find, though He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:27-28)