First off, here are some definitions: (source MotorTrend)
- "Bimmer" - proper and accepted slang for BMW cars. Most people don't know this.
- "Beamer/Beemer" - incorrect term for BMW cars; reserved and accepted slang for BMW motorcycles. You will hear this term used incorrectly by many people.
- "Bummer" - when you have to push your BMW
This morning, I saw one of my neighbors pushing his 2002 BMW into a parking space. It’s a nice vehicle, a 540i that looks like it’s really in good shape and has held up well for its age. It was obviously recently waxed and the windows and chrome wheels were sparkling.
But he was pushing it into the parking space because it stalled as he was coming around the corner and it wouldn’t start.
My mind immediately starting thinking about the contrast between how nice the vehicle looked vs. how poorly the vehicle was performing. This is not a commentary on BMW’s or their reliability; rather it’s a great opportunity to apply the same contrast on our own lives.
Often, we look pretty good on the outside. We may have the ability to appear to be in good shape, recently cleaned up and even our eyes may be sparkling. On the inside however, we are stalled.
The Bible has a lot to say about what is on the inside vs. what is on the outside. In Psalms 51 the Psalmist declares,
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me”.Just like an old BMW, it’s relatively easy for us to try to project something outwardly but without the right thing going on inside, our outward life is ultimately just a bummer.