Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Cragging with Ken

Cragging is defined as climbing or ascending from one level to another, without mountaineering equipment. While Cragging is rock climbing, it is usually shorter climbs with less gear (no ropes, carabiners, harnesses or hardware).

Cragging in the world of spiritual disciplines is also ascending from one level to another. It’s the process of growing in Christ, understanding who we are, where we need to go and acquiring the necessary spiritual tools to become more like Christ.

“Cragging with Ken” is a six-week , or better described as a six-session defined outcome program with three essential steps: Identifying where we are; Equipping and preparing for the next ascent; and, Seeking out the next ascent, or crag in our journey or climb.

Those wanting to go “Cragging with Ken” will meet Tuesdays starting Tuesday March 9th at 6:00 PM at Panera, Glenbrook. Other meeting times on Tuesday may be available as well. Call or email to inquire.

Let us know if you are interested in the journey. Email me at

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