Thursday, April 23, 2009

Feeling lost in the crowd

People ask me from time to time, "How do you help people from feeling lost in the crowd in a big church?"

It's a good question and I'm sure that many people that are used to smaller churches may feel a little uncomfortable at first in a larger auditorium with people that they don't recognize standing, sitting and filling in around them.

My answer is that there is a difference from not being connected in a church and perhaps not recognizing as many people you worship with at any given time.

Churches that are doing it right give everyone that attends a worship service an opportunity to connect. People should be welcomed, encouraged to write their prayer requests, or turn in a comment card. Churches that do it right should follow-up consistently on 100% of those opportunities.

Most larger and growing churches encourage small group formation where people get to connect, grow and experience community with each other. These churches ensure that 100% of the people that are interested in getting involved in a small group have that opportunity and have a good experience in connecting with that group.

If the local church does all of this well, people connect and most importantly GROW!

Growing in Christ is much better than just being able to recognize people in a crowd, or being able to recognize (but not know) the same people you see at your local church everyone Sunday for an hour.

The Real Virus Is Fear

There is a virus that is attacking and ravaging this country but it is not Covid-19.   It is fear.  This fear is being spread by people ...