While studies have indicated that a greeting or meeting with the the pastor is important, having someone take the time to offer a genuine opportunity to connect and ultimately to build a relationship will often turn first-time visitors into repeat attenders.
x·pyr·i·a [iks-pir-ee-a] noun (plural x·py·ri·as) Definitions: 1. experience in life over time: active involvement in an activity or exposure to events or people over a period of time that leads to an active world view. 2. a base of knowledge or skill acquired over time: a viewpoint gained through being involved with people over a period of time
Friday, May 29, 2009
Building Relationships
While studies have indicated that a greeting or meeting with the the pastor is important, having someone take the time to offer a genuine opportunity to connect and ultimately to build a relationship will often turn first-time visitors into repeat attenders.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Too Close To the Edge
At the same time, I’ve always wanted to be “edgy” myself. I’ve wanted to push myself to the limit and also have embraced a faith that I wanted to be “edgy” as well. Edgy to me meant that I was actually trying to live my faith and when I preached, to teach others to embrace the real Jesus over man-made religion.
Churches try to be “edgy” and it may work for them if their purpose is to be different or noticed. Often, the objective is all about numbers and numerical growth. It’s been my experience however that other than attracting a crowd, “edgy” is just as likely to get you too far away from being truly grounded in the gospel and being truly useful in ministry.
Today we have all kinds of churches: Seeker, traditional, liturgical, postmodern, emerging, post-liberal, neo-conservative, neo-evangelical and all kinds of phrases and descriptive terms that are being used to describe the variations. The definitions for these terms are likely being debated by people that haven’t had a real job in a very long time; and may likely need to get a life as well.
Recently (actually daily), it seems like I’m being reminded that I’m called to ministry, which basically means I’m called to serve. The best way that I can serve is to be prayerful, available and open to whatever God wants to accomplish in and through my life. Churches that want to be serving as well should consider how well they are reaching both saint and sinner, how effective they are in transforming people spiritually, and how God is receiving glory in the process.
Friday, May 08, 2009
Hair of the Dog
Have you ever heard that old adage, "Hair of the Dog that bit you?" It's supposedly a cure for hangovers. The idea is that since you've poisoned your system by imbibing too much alcohol, a little more alcohol (i.e. "hair of the dog") will cure the symptoms.
According to Wikipedia (I realize I likely have lost all of your respect) the origin of the phrase is literal, and comes from an erroneous method of treatment of a rabid dog bite by placing hair from the dog in the bite wound.
Have you ever had a debt hangover? You know..you stumble out of bed, look at yourself in the mirror and think, "how in the world did this happen?" Well, if you find yourself up to your armpits in debt, don't for a minute think that maybe a debt consolidation loan or second mortgage may fix what ales you. This 'hair of the dog' is just more debt and you don't fix a problem with having a little more of the same.
People can get out of debt when they change their behavior. Stop spending more money than you have, cut up the credit cards if that is the poison that got you in this situation and stay on a budget. A recent study showed that most people that get serious about getting out of debt can accomplish being debt free (with the exception of the home mortgage) in 24-30 months.
If you need debt counseling go get it. Be careful not to respond to some offer that end up being more 'hair of the dog'. Many churches offer great services such as 'Financial Peace University' or 'Good $ense Ministry'. S top spending more than your income, get on a budget and pay off your debt.
The Real Virus Is Fear
There is a virus that is attacking and ravaging this country but it is not Covid-19. It is fear. This fear is being spread by people ...
Kenneth Behr is the founder and Execuive Director of Faith Dialogue, Inc. He has been a guest on numerous news broadcasts including Fo...
Here are a few selections: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time t...
There is a virus that is attacking and ravaging this country but it is not Covid-19. It is fear. This fear is being spread by people ...