Sunday, July 24, 2005

Long Live the Coach

Bill McCartney...Oops sorry, Coach Bill McCartney started Promise Keepers in 1990, based on seven simple promises and the goal of changing men to fully committed disciples of Jesus Christ and the stated vision of "Transforming Men Worldwide"

Along the way, I've attended three Promise Keepers Conferences. Two in Detroit (1995 and 1996) and one in Cleveland (2002). My wife now smiles when we look back at one of those conferences. You see, my intentions were good back in 1996 when I attended my second PK Conference. I had an office in London but also one in the Detroit area with a wife and two teenagers. To make a long story short, in midst of a two year assignment with Ford with one office in London and one family in Detroit, I made it back one weekend and ended up spending about two full days with a bunch of guys and then left Sunday night for London.

My wife asked me, "So, when you go to these Promise Keepers meetings, do they talk about how to improve your relationship with your wife and children?" I don't even remember my reply, she had me.

So I've learned from my past and hopefully have become a little better over time.

That's really what PK is about. I know there has been talk about PK losing its effectiveness and some churches have discouraged some of the PK conferences and are focusing on other Men's activities.

That's too bad. Back when the Coach was still active with Promise keepers he would share that there is a special dynamic when men come together to honor Jesus Christ. He knew that the PK conferences would help guys discover what it means to be godly men. He took the flack for leading a very conservative, male focused organization because he knew that men had to take a stand for God in their marriages, families, churches, and communities.

Sometimes it attend a men's conference and revival breaks out--even if it is in the heart of just one guy. These guys pictured here are just a bunch of guys from my church. My guys...guys that want to be a little more like Jesus and aren't afraid to take a stand for God in their marriages, families, church and their community.

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