Saturday, July 26, 2014

Why Wait Until Tomorrow?

Back in the 1980’s the Detroit Gospel group, The Winans, recorded the song “Tomorrow”.  The lyrics are simple but at the same time very profound.

I was recently talking with a new acquaintance.   I think of him as a friend but he sees me primarily as a Pastor.  That unfortunately makes him hesitant to open up and get close enough to know and be known as a friend.

The Lyrics to “Tomorrow” are more than a story of procrastination, that somehow tomorrow would be the day. It is also the story of rejection.

Jesus said 
'Here I stand, won't you please let me in?'
And you said 
'I will tomorrow'
Jesus said 
'I am He who supplies all your needs'
And you said 
'I know, but tomorrow, ooh, tomorrow, i'll give my life 
tomorrow, I thought about today, but it's so much easier to say'
Tomorrow, who promised you tomorrow, 
better choose the lord today, for 
tomorrow very well might be too late.

As I stated, delaying the important decision to follow Jesus, to become a Christian is at the same time a rejection.  Why do many people choose to reject Jesus as Savior?  Here are a few that I’ve observed:

  1. Some people don't think they are ‘too bad’.  They don't think they need a savior.  While not even trying to determine if they are good enough, they compare themselves not to the good but to the bad.  They aren’t murderers, car thieves, muggers, rapists, or child abusers so they don’t think the message of repentance applies to them.

  2.  Some people fear they will have to become ‘too good’.   This is unfortunately often the fault of the church as we often preach moral absolutes, purity, chastity and abstinence rather than forgiveness, freedom, acceptance and the love of Christ.  We are all sinners and all in need of forgiveness.

  3. Many people would rather believe the lie.   They are lied into beliving that the things of this world are more appealing than anything else. These are the same people that throw away their marriages and the love of their spouse for a night of pleasure.  They abdicate their roles of husband, wife, father, mother and even son and daughter for temporary pleaures that are all too quickly forgotten.   They are like the prodigal son and daughter that foolishly wastes their inheritance but are soon abandoned by their friends when the money runs out.

Like the lyrics of the song, Jesus says, “here I am….'I am He who supplies all your needs' but we too often reply…..tomorrow.  If you are interested in hearing the song, here is a link 

Temptation in the Wilderness

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