Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dream your dream

Dreams are interesting.  In the Bible, we see that God used dreams to forewarn, to provide instruction and correction and provide spiritual enlightenment.  Another definition of a dream is also to hope or to create a future and alternative vision for yourself.   When we sleep and dream, some but not all of these dreams are from God.   In the same way, when we are awake and something inside us is causing us to hope and dream, that something inside could be from God.

Why does God give us a dream? Perhaps, God will give us a dream in order to shape us and motivate us. Perhaps it to show us what could be, an alternate reality that God wants for us.

All of us have non-utilized potential.   Dreaming the dream, identifying the opportunities that are all around us harnesses this potential that has the

Every ministry, every new church, every new nonprofit that establishes itself, recruits resources in order to go and make a difference starts with a dream.

Every new school, every new educational opportunity, every new food program, every new clothing program, all new training program, every hospital, the new water wells in Africa, new drug rehabilitation programs all start with a dream.

All new Christian parenting programs, ministry to singles, every new student ministry program, recreational center, sports ministry and every outreach program to single parents all start with a dream.

Don’t give up on your dream.  Regardless of where you are serving, what stage of life, your economic situation or present place of residence, God can use the dream He has given you to build you up, to strengthen you and to change lives.

And these changed lives....don't be surprised when yours is the first to change!

Temptation in the Wilderness

  The temptation of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness in Luke 4:1–13 teaches us profound lessons about spiritual warfare, reliance on God, an...