Friday, March 08, 2013

What's In Your Hand?

Back in the late 1980’s TV audiences were introduced to special agent MacGyver.

MacGyver was a resourceful hero as he was able to use everything from household food and cleaning products to industrial solvents to create explosives, disable electronics and in general make things goes ‘boom’!

Like Indiana Jones but with a Swiss army knife rather than a whip, MacGyver challenged our imaginations to think about how ordinary things could be used in extra-ordinary ways.

As believers, we often think that we are ill-equipped to meet some of the significant challenges that we face on a regular basis.  Nevertheless, God has always assured us that ‘all things are possible’ and that we would be able to do more than we can even hope or think.

Moses was an ordinary man who was able to do extraordinary things.  He wasn’t always sure of himself but God showed him that He was able to be the instrument that God wanted to use at the time. Just before Moses was going to go and meet Pharaoh his confidence was a little shaky.  The Lord said to him, 'What is that in your hand?' 'A staff,' he replied" (Exodus 4:2).

When Moses said, “A staff”, God told him to thrown it on the ground and it turned into a snake.  God will use whatever we have in our hand for His glory.  Centuries later, Jesus would call upon a little boy to use the five loaves and two fish in his hand to feed a multitude (John 6:9).  Today, we have the privilege and can enjoy seeing God accomplish His purpose and His plan through our lives; even through the little things we have in our hand.

The fun thing about watching MacGyver was that it was the ordinary things that were used for a different purpose.  The fun thing about being obedient when God calls is that He uses ordinary people for a higher purpose.

Temptation in the Wilderness

  The temptation of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness in Luke 4:1–13 teaches us profound lessons about spiritual warfare, reliance on God, an...