Friday, February 24, 2012

Reliable Eyewitnesses

How do we know if an historical document is reliable? Two types of examinations that scripture is subjected to is the Anachronisms – inappropriate use of words that were not the appropriate period and eyewitness accounts.


Anachronisms abound in art, literature and movies. Sometimes they are intentional -- like the Flintstones using garbage disposals and foot-powered automobiles. Sometimes, they just slip in because the author is not fully informed of the time period. For example, The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci in 1498, depicts oranges. Oranges however were brought to Europe by Portuguese traders from India in the 15th century and were unknown to the Jews at the time of the Last Supper.

One of the supposed anachronisms found in the Bible was in Genesis. In Genesis 40 Joseph interprets the dream of Pharaoh’s butler and grapes are mentioned. For years, historians said the Egyptian's didn't grow grapes and didn't drink wine and therefore questioned the accuracy of the text. However, the painting above discovered on the ancient Egyptian tombs, shows that the Bible was correct and the historians were wrong

What about “eyewitness” accounts?

Many of the New Testament accounts are from eyewitnesses. The Gospel writer John was an Apostle and eyewitness (as likely Matthew was both author and Apostle) and the other gospels contain accounts given by eyewitnesses. A reading of the four gospels presents many accounts and sayings of Jesus that while overall are in agreement, vary slightly from one gospel to another.

The fact that there are minor differences in some of the accounts actually helps establish the reliability of the eyewitness account. In a court of law for example, the judge expects some very minor discrepancies in testimony because eyewitness accounts are the best recollection of different witnesses. 

If they were too similar, they would be thought to be rehearsed.

In the Bible, we see no significant difference between eyewitnesses. The quotes we have from Jesus and others in the New Testament are obviously not word-for-word transcripts which actually gives them more credibility. These reliable eyewitnesses are just some of the ways that the credibility of the Bible is substantiated.

Temptation in the Wilderness

  The temptation of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness in Luke 4:1–13 teaches us profound lessons about spiritual warfare, reliance on God, an...