I have had the opportunity this week to talk, have coffee and chat with three people that were all in 'job search' mode. These were all Christian men, each one with a strongly profound faith, who have found themselves in transition for a number of reasons.
None of the reasons for their job loss were apparently related to unsatisfactory work performance. Nevertheless, all of these men now have a unique opportunity to not only find a job that provides for their family, but also experience a momentary pause in their busy life
These men weren't planning on putting their lives on hold. They had plans for vacations, were looking forward to their "life as normal" and one had a baby on the way. Family finances always take a hit and they are concerned but are trying to not be worried. They know that even with Federal-State Unemployment Compensation and a little savings in the bank there are always financial and emotional challenges during times when people are between jobs.
The thing that was remarkable to me and very apparent as I was talking with them was how much all of them are just as interested in finding exactly the right place and position for them and walking with God in this process as they are in finding a job.
They all knew that God is most interested in the unique contribution that we can make during this very brief time we have on earth. Jobs can come and go but with each job comes an opportunity to serve, to grow and to become the person that God wants us to become. God is at work in our lives, particularly when we let Him.
Whether it is a ministry calling or an opportunity to serve a company that provides great products and services, we all need to pause from time to time and thank God for the opportunity to find and make a unique contribution.
King Solomon, the wisest of all the earthly kings once wrote, “Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your srength” (Ecc. 9:10)