Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Enough Bible Study

Maybe we should cut back a little on the Bible Studies in the local church.

It isn’t that there is anything wrong with Bible Studies. On the contrary, they are great in getting to know about God. They are great in obtaining knowledge about scripture and the nature of God….also helpful in honing your “theology”. What I’m suggesting is however is that many have already enough “head knowledge”, they need to go out and do it.

In the book of James it says that “Faith without works, is dead”. What is also true is that many of us that are very comfortable sitting around doing a Bible Study are really bad at doing ministry. That’s unfortunate because the need to be more Christ-like is great and typically just next door or round the corner.

Just think of it as a movement from one thing, which is good (i.e. Bible Study) to another thing that is better. How about these other movements in the church today?

  • From missions to missional
  • From inward to outward
  • From protection to provision
  • From structure to simplicity
  • From fasting to feeding
  • From decisions to disciples
  • From entertaining to equipping

Bet you can thing of even more movements that are necessary.

Temptation in the Wilderness

  The temptation of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness in Luke 4:1–13 teaches us profound lessons about spiritual warfare, reliance on God, an...